Rogue Wave's Standard C++ Library v. 1.1
General Description
This two day course is for intermediate C++ programmers who want to
develop portable software using ANSI C++. Basic knowledge of all
common C++ language features, including templates and exception handling
is required.
Course Outline
Day 1:
Overview of Rogue Wave's Standard C++ Library v1.1
- What are containers? What kind of containers does v1.1 provide?
- What is a generic algorithm?
- How do algorithms and containers work together?
- What is an iterator? What kind of iterators does v1.1 use?
- What makes v1.1 different from other libraries?
- What are the benefits? What are the caveats?
- Iterator categories.
- The interface of iterators.
- A closer look at each iterator category:
- Input Iterators.
- Output Iterators.
- Forward Iterators.
- Bi-directional iterators.
- Random Access Iterators.
- Iterators provided by v1.1 containers.
- Other iterators provided by v1.1:
- Stream Iterators.
- Iterator Adaptors.
- Iterator Operations.
Day 2:
Function Objects
- What is a functions object?
- How are they used with v1.1 algorithms?
- How do I build my own function objects?
- A closer look at the containers:
- Vector.
- List and deque.
- Set, multiset and bitset.
- Map and multimap.
- Container adaptors:
- Stack and queue.
- Priority queue.
- Which iterators categories are required by v1.1 algorithms?
- How to choose the right algorithms?
- Algorithms provided by v1.1 - an overview.
Approaches to using the Standard C++ Library
© Copyright 1995-6, Rogue Wave
Software, Inc.